CB10134 英國製造 Clarity Blend Aromatherapy 玫瑰肌膚薰衣草水 - 100% 有機、純素、無動物實驗這款玫瑰肌膚薰衣草水,以其奢華的配方,為您帶來清爽與滋養,舒緩/再生/改善皮膚紋理,防止豆豆, 同時散發優雅的香氣。
採用 100% 有機玫瑰花瓣和薰衣草花提取物,這種溫和的爽膚水能有效舒緩肌膚、平衡油脂分泌,並為肌膚提供深層保濕。
* **100% 有機玫瑰花瓣和薰衣草花提取物:** 天然成分,有效呵護肌膚,同時散發清新香氣。
* **純素:** 不含任何動物性成分,適合素食者使用。
* **無動物實驗:** 產品未經動物實驗,符合道德標準。
* **舒緩與鎮靜:** 有助於舒緩肌膚紅腫和刺激,並鎮靜敏感肌。
* **平衡油脂分泌:** 幫助控制油脂分泌,維持肌膚清爽。
* **深層保濕:** 為肌膚提供水分,使其柔軟光滑。
* **提升肌膚光澤:** 促進肌膚血液循環,提升光澤。
* **無酒精:** 溫和配方,適合敏感肌膚使用。
**容量:** 150 毫升/5.1 液量盎司
* 僅供外用。
* 避免接觸眼睛。
* 若出現任何過敏反應,請停止使用並諮詢專業醫師。
After lavender blooms in full color in summer, the flowering tops are harvested and steam-distilled to create pure floral hydrotat. Lavender water has a myriad of benefits for the skin and wellbeing-from soothing problem-prone skin to help restore skin that's seen too much sun.
Suitable for all skin types including dry, combination, sensitive and sun-burned skin.
' Use daily as a regenerating skin cleanser and toner.
"Apple to fingertips, a cleansing pad or muslin cloth and gently sweep over your face. To use as a list, spritz over the face for a revitalizing pick-me-up.
"Get creative and craft your own skincare recipes with Rose 7 Skin botanical products ! got inspiration, see Make Your Own Organic Skincare Kit.
INGREDIENTS : 100% organic Lavanuloa angustifolia hydrosol from steam distillation.
SIZE: 150ml