PC10126 Enjoy your favorite SOS Serum Skincare products (Made in United Kingdom) on the go with the SOS little luxuries Collection featuring six conveniently-sized cleansing and moisturizing treats giving users grade benefits of these skincare fa orates wherever they are.
To ensure the range gets your skin's ever-changing needs, they are suitable for all skin types especially sensitive , for face, eyes, neck & hands. the hard-working formulae work seamlessly together whilst only taking a few minutes of your time providing 'The Answer to Sensitive skin"
- SOSCleanse,15ml
- SOS Serum , 15ml
- SOS H20 Day Cream, 15ml
- SOS Night Cream, 15ml
- SOS Protect Hand sanitizer , 15ml
PC10126 英國製造SOS 護膚和洗手液產品:濕疹敏感肌膚的安心之選
SOS 護膚和洗手液產品專為敏感肌膚設計,提供溫和且有效的解決方案,呵護您的肌膚,並帶給您安心感。本產品採用獨特的配方,結合天然成分和先進科技,滿足敏感肌膚的特殊需求.
* **溫和配方:** 無添加香料、色素、防腐劑等常見刺激物,減少敏感肌膚的刺激和過敏反應。
* **深度滋潤:** 富含舒緩成分,深層滋潤肌膚,舒緩乾燥和緊繃感,維持肌膚健康平衡。
* **強效清潔:** 清潔配方能有效去除污垢和油脂,同時保持肌膚水分,不造成乾燥或刺激。
* **抗菌保護:** 含有天然抗菌成分,有效抵禦細菌,保護肌膚免受感染。
* **多功能用途:** 適用於臉部、身體和手部,提供全面的護理,滿足您不同需求。
* 患有濕疹、玫瑰斑、酒糟鼻等皮膚疾病的人士
* 易於過敏或敏感肌膚人士
* 追求天然、温和護膚產品的人士
SOS 護膚和洗手液產品,讓敏感肌膚也享受安心舒適的呵護體驗。立即體驗,感受溫和與高效的完美結合!